Sunday, December 16, 2007

Google Ads

You will probably notice some Google text ads around the site right now. I am just playing around with them as I've never really used AdSense before and wanted to give it a shot, so don't expect them to become permanent. I am just Ad-Curious.



heartlessgamer said...

Don't be ashamed of adverts! Your time is worth something and if readers actually care about what you write, then an advert or two shouldn't change a thing. There are options for those people that do not want to see advertisements.

I'm sick of all these bloggers spazzing on anyone that has advertisements on their site, blogger or not.

Now, Adsense is probably not the best route for you. I would strongly suggest

I can't discuss my numbers, but I can tell you I usually can pay one month's subscription to an MMORPG through my advertising scheme.

heartlessgamer said...

Ack, I forgot to add a bit of a sales pitch. Chitika pays out after $10, not like Adsense's $100.

Secondly, you can control exactly what pops up in your advertisements if you use the eMiniMalls. You set the product keywords.

Finally, I have yet to find a gold or RMT company that have advertisements through Chitika.

Chestone said...

OOooo! This sounds fantastic. Now I was fine when the first day when there were ads for the Clinton/Bush International Relief Fund. I thought that was certainly worth advertising, but I checked back yesterday and saw a sleezy gold seller ad, which quickly put a frown across my face. I will check out Chitika tomorrow. Thanks for the advice!